President Obama's Red Herring

by 6:52 PM 0 comments

The USA Today article entitled "Red Herrings Instead of Inspiration" (written in February 2015) asserts that President Obama, in an effort to distract the audience from the current issue of Islamic extremism, "lectured Christians on centuries-old offenses."

Excerpt from the article:
"Given the recent burning alive of a Jordanian pilot and the successive beheadings the world has been forced to witness and endure at the hands of Islamic terrorists, and the unending stream of threats and atrocities committed by the same, the presidential words ring as 'red herrings,' which are intentional or unintentional logical fallacies that seek to draw attention away from the true matter at hand to something that is basically irrelevant. Obama's words refer to actions taken more than 900 years ago, and therefore might have been part of a strategy to somehow take our minds off the very real danger of Islamic terrorism and downplay a very real threat to Western civilization, or so many Americans believe." (Emphasis added)
Click here to read the entire article.

Laura Zielke

Class Facilitator

Currently teaching "Introduction to Logic" at a homeschool enrichment program.


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